Apex Legends – Arenas

Ready for this new adventury?

Apex Legends: Legacy brings a new form of competition, Arenas. Drop into a new action-packed 3v3 game mode. Sharpen your skills in new, bespoke maps like Party Crasher and Phase Runner. It’s just your squad and their squad, so hiding isn’t an option.

The Games are going underground with the introduction of a new permanent mode: Arenas. Fully reassembled and unimpressed with the glitz and glamor of the Apex Games, former Apex Predator Ash is taking the competition back to its roots. A purer form of combat.

The rules are simple: 3-versus-3. Eliminate your enemies to win the round. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. You win, or you die.

Arenas features a new set of custom maps, tailor-made for close-quarters combat (with more to come in the future). Squads start each round in a spawn room, where they can get weapons, gear, and abilities, and adjust their loadout as their strategy changes. The first team to win three rounds with at least a two-point lead will be crowned the victor—unless they battle to a four-four tie. Then they’ll have the honor of participating in Ash’s favorite part of the game: Sudden Death.

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